Net Zero Finance Tracker

Institutions /

AXA - Group Management Services

AUM or Total Assets (Quartile)
Coalition Membership


This dimension tracks indicative qualitative commitment and quantitative targets adopted to address climate change, including interim targets and the assets they cover.


Partial response

Mitigation target

Partial response

The indicator describes whether institutions have set clear and comprehensive targets for climate action (primarily reducing their emissions), whether those are quantitative targets or general, and whether they are disclosed transparently. Sources: CDP, ESG Book, NZAM, NZBA, NZIA, NZAOA, Observatoire de la Finance Durable, PAAO, PRB, S&P Capital IQ, SBTi, UNFCCC.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Institution’s primary activity: Investing
  • Activity concerned by the target: Investing
  • Type of asset concerned by the target: Investment portfolio
  • Percentage of relevant portfolio covered : 88%
  • Short-Term/Near-Term Net-Zero target adopted
  • Net-Zero Target or Long-Term Target adopted
  • Temperature alignment of its activities: 1.5°C
  • Has carbon neutrality target
  • Long-Term target adopted
  • Short-Term target adopted
  • Has active portfolio/investment emission target
  • Has other active climate-related targets
  • Communicates methodology used for target
  • Methodology used to compute target: Beyond ratings
  • Commits to adopt a mitigation target
  • Commits to adopt an intermediate target

Climate finance target

Initial response

The indicator describes whether institutions have set and disclosed clear, accountable, and measurable targets to provide a volume of financial services and investments for climate action. Sources: CDP, CPI, NZAOA, WRI.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Investment target adopted

Divestment target

Partial response

The indicator describes whether the institution has announced a clear target to divest from fossil fuels, with a clearly defined scope, and matched by fossil fuel exclusion policies. Divestment is the act of selling or disposing of financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, or investments, in companies or industries that are involved in activities harmful to climate (e.g. fossil fuels). It is often used as a strategy by organizations to reduce their exposure to transition risks deriving from potential policy response to climate change. Sources: CDP, CPI, DivestInvest, NZAM

Actions observed for the institution
  • Extent of divestment target: Partial
  • Fossil fuel exclusion policy: All fossil fuels, Coal mining, Coal power generation
  • Has policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments
  • Policy framework includes exclusion policies


The indicator looks at concrete qualitative changes to institution policies, governance, and investment approaches that may influence future or current capital alignment with net zero.


Partial response

Internal accountability framework

Initial response

The indicator measures to what extent accountability and incentives exist for chief and operations-level staff, as well as whether dedicated climate change responsible person(s) exist in the organization to coordinate climate action. Sources: CDP, CPI, ESG Book, InfluenceMap, PRB, PRI.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Board is accountable for CC
  • Chief-level staff is accountable for CC
  • Provides incentives for the management of climate-related issues

Shareholder and client engagement

Full response

The indicator measures whether the organization commits to engaging shareholders or clients on climate action and whether there is evidence of the organization taking the necessary steps by mandating climate reporting requirements or through active ownership on portfolio companies, with no evidence of negative actions that oppose the transition. Sources: CDP, Climate Action 100+, CPI, InfluenceMap, NZAM, NZAOA, NZIA, PAAO, PRB, PRI, PSI.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Succeeded in climate-related engagement with some stakeholders/clients
  • Commits to engage on CC or sustainable practices

Policy engagement

Full response

The indicator describes the commitment to and level of engagement with government and industry representatives on climate change, in a way that encourages, and does not oppose, the transition. Sources: BEI, CDP, InfluenceMap, Investor Agenda, NZAM, NZAOA, NZIA, PAAO, PRI, PSI, WMB.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Observed indirect policy engagement for government reforms and regulations
  • Commits to work with business partners on ESG
  • Commits to work with governments on ESG
  • Commits to work with industry on responsible investment
  • Commits to influence climate policy
  • Commits to work with governments on NZ transition
  • Commits to work with governments on NZ transition

Climate risk strategy

Partial response

The indicator is based on pillar two of TCFD’s framework, about disclosure of the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning where such information is material. Sources: CAFI, CDP, InfluenceMap, PRI, TCFD.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Considers the impact of climate risks and opportunities in strategy
  • Uses climate scenarios to inform strategy
  • Assesses climate-risks and opportunities for different time horizons
  • Uses reputable Energy Transition scenarios
  • Uses reputable Physical Climate Risk scenarios
  • Commits to assess climate risks

Climate risk management

Partial response

The indicator is based on pillar three of TCFD’s framework, about disclosure of how the organization identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks, in short: the organization’s internal climate risk due diligence and related procedures. Sources: CAFI, CDP, CPLC, ESG Book, InfluenceMap, PRI, TCFD, UNFCCC, WMB.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Has a process to assess climate risk
  • Has a process to manage climate risk
  • Has a process to assess and manage climate risk
  • Integrates climate into overall risk management
  • Carbon price(s): 17.7 USD/tCO2e
  • Use of tools covers a minority of assets of the organization
  • Commits to manage climate risks
  • Commits to adopt a carbon price

Disclosure of climate risk

Partial response

The indicator describes whether an organization has committed to the disclosure of climate risks and whether it started disclosures. Sources: Climate Action 100+, NZAM, NZIA, PAAO, PRI, TCFD.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Publishes TCFD disclosures
  • Commits to TCFD reporting

Disclosure of investment data

No action

The indicator assesses whether the organization has set up, or plans to set up, internal procedures that allow for the harmonized disclosure of green investment data, as well as investment in high-emissions activities. Sources: CAFI, WRI.

Disclosure of emissions data

Partial response

The indicator measures whether the organization is committing to disclose its financed emissions, whether there is evidence that they are already being tracked by the organization, and breadth of coverage. Sources: CAFI, CDP, ESG Book, InfluenceMap, NZBA, NZAOA, PCAF, PRI, WRI.

Actions observed for the institution
  • Financed emissions disclosed
  • Portfolio emissions disclosed
  • Portfolio emissions: 6,996,468 tCO2e (metric)
  • Portfolio emissions tracked
  • Scope 1 and/or 2 emissions are disclosed
  • Disclosed baseline emissions
  • Scope 1 emissions in base year: 37,889 tCO2e (metric)
  • Scope 2 emissions in base year (location based): 88,558 tCO2e (metric)
  • Scope 2 emissions in base year (market based): 62,765 tCO2e (metric)
  • Scope 3 emissions in base year (all Scope 3 categories): 10,254,541 tCO2e (metric)
  • Scope 3, Cat. 15 (Investments) emissions in base year: 10,015,565 tCO2e (metric)
  • Unspecified Scope 3 emissions are disclosed
  • Scope 3 emissions (all Scope 3 categories): 108,432 tCO2e (metric)
  • Disclosed emissions are verified externally
  • Some level of emissions is tracked
  • Commits to track and disclose emissions


This dimension looks at quantitative changes in stocks and flows of relevant targets and investments.

Project-level Clean Energy Financing (USDm)

This indicator measures how entities have directly contributed to funding of new clean energy projects via direct/primary investment (currently focused on power sector investment only). Figures are broken down to track USDm investment in the following subsectors: Biofuel/Biomass, Hydroelectric Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Waste-to-Energy, Power Grids, Nuclear Energy, Carbon Capture and Storage, Energy Storage, Other Climate. Categories are based on CPI’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance taxonomies of low-carbon activities for the power sector. Sources: BNEF, IJ Global.

Country percentile
Bottom 30%
Sector percentile
Bottom 50%
Country/sector percentile
Bottom 50%
Value (USDm)
No observed financing
  • Biofuel/Biomass
  • Carbon Capture & Storage
  • Energy Storage
  • Hydropower
  • Nuclear
  • Power Grids
  • Solar
  • Waste-to-Energy
  • Wind
  • Other*

Corporate-level Green Lending (USDm)

The indicator tracks lending instruments made available to green projects , namely loans and bonds made available for green projects as defined according to Green Loan Principles and Green Bond Principles (in USDm). Examples of eligible projects that have been financed through green bonds include renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power, energy-efficient buildings, sustainable water management, and clean transportation. Sources: BNEF, CBI.

Country percentile
Bottom 40%
Sector percentile
Bottom 50%
Country/sector percentile
Bottom 50%
  • Green Bonds
  • Green Loans

Project-level Fossil Fuel Financing (USDm)

This indicator measures how entities have directly contributed to the funding of new fossil fuel projects via direct/primary investment. The current update focuses on power sector investment only. Figures are broken down to track USDm investment in the following subsectors: Oil and Gas Supply Chain, Coal mining, Oil-Powered Energy Production, Gas-Powered Energy Production, Coal-Powered Energy Production. Sources: IJ Global.

Country percentile
Bottom 40%
Sector percentile
Top 50%
Country/sector percentile
Top 50%
Value (USDm)
No observed financing
  • Coal-Fired
  • Coal Mining
  • Gas-Fired
  • Oil-Fired
  • Oil and Gas Supply Chain

Exposure to Misaligned Assets (USDm)

The indicator measures whether entities’ portfolio’s composition is misaligned with respect to Paris agreement mitigation targets. Misaligned assets are reported both as a share of total portfolio value, as well as a share of assets examined in depth (e.g. assets in traditionally emission intensive sectors). Sources: InfluenceMap.

Examined Portfolio (USD M)
  • Misaligned Assets
  • Other Assets Examined In Depth
  • Other Examined Assets

Exposure to Fossil Fuels (USDm)

The indicator measures entities’ material exposure to fossil fuel investments. Exposure is examined for a subset of the institution’s portfolio for which information exists on exposure to companies of which the primary sector of operations is in, or uniquely associated with, upstream or midstream oil and gas and coal mining sectors. Sources: DivestInvest, InfluenceMap.

Examined Portfolio (USD M)
  • Fossil Fuel Assets
  • Other Examined Assets

Portfolio Emissions (tCO2e)

The indicator measures the level of financed emissions as reported by the financial institution. Specifically, we track information on either Scope 3 – Category 15 (Investments) emissions and Portfolio emissions. In the absence of comparable emissions between various years within the same institution, latest emissions are considered, and past ones are estimated. Sources: CDP, ESG Book.

First Year of Emissions Disclosure
Most recent disclosed emissions (TCO2E)
Country percentile
Top 30%
Sector percentile
Top 40%
Country/Sector percentile
Top 40%

We want to hear your feedback

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Targets alignment
Implementation alignment
Impact alignment
AUM or Total Assets (Quartile)
Mitigation target
Climate finance target
Divestment target
Internal accountability framework
Shareholder and client engagement
Policy engagement
Climate risk strategy
Climate risk management
Disclosure of climate risk
Disclosure of investment data
Disclosure of emissions data
Project-level Clean Energy Financing (USDm)
Corporate-level Green Lending (USDm)
Project-level Fossil Fuel Financing (USDm)
Exposure to Misaligned Assets (%)
Portfolio Emissions (tCO2e)
Exposure to Fossil Fuels (%)
ABN AMRO BANK N.V.NetherlandsLargeInitialInitialNoneNoneInitialInitialPlannedPlannedNoneNonePartialNonePartial610.6200Not assessed26,241,000Not assessed
ABPNetherlandsLargeInitialInitialNoneFullPartialInitialFullPlannedFullFullFullNonePartial000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
AIB Group PlcIrelandMedium-largeInitialInitialNonePartialPartialInitialPlannedFullPartialFullPartialNonePartial01,565.020Not assessed2,452,000Not assessed
ABANCA Corporacion Bancaria S.ASpainMedium-smallInitialInitialNoneNonePlannedPlannedPlannedNoneNoneNoneNoneNonePlanned0500.40Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
ACTIAMNetherlandsNot AvailableInitialPartialNoneNonePartialFullPlannedPlannedPartialFullPartialNonePartial0002Not assessed2
AMF PensionSwedenMedium-smallInitialInitialInitialNoneInitialInitialPlannedPlannedNoneNonePartialNonePlanned000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
AP PensionDenmarkNot AvailableInitialInitialNoneNoneInitialInitialPlannedPlannedPlannedPlannedPlannedNoneNone000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
AP2 (Second Swedish National Pension Fund)SwedenNot AvailableInitialInitialNonePartialInitialInitialPlannedPlannedFullFullPartialNoneInitial000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
AP7SwedenNot AvailableInitialInitialNoneNoneInitialInitialPlannedPlannedInitialPlannedPartialNoneNone000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
APG Asset ManagementNetherlandsNot AvailableInitialPartialNoneNonePartialFullFullPlannedFullFullPartialNonePartial000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
ARC LtdSouth AfricaNot AvailableInitialInitialInitialNoneInitialInitialPlannedPlannedNoneNoneNoneNonePlanned000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed
AXA - Group Management ServicesFranceLargePartialPartialInitialPartialPartialInitialFullFullPartialPartialPartialNonePartial00026,996,4682
ASR Nederland N.V.NetherlandsMedium-smallInitialInitialNonePartialPartialFullPlannedFullPartialPartialFullNonePartial32.4700Not assessed2,332,233Not assessed
ATLAS InfrastructureUnited KingdomSmallInitialPartialNoneNonePartialInitialPlannedPlannedPartialPartialPartialNonePartial000Not assessed195,960.62Not assessed
AXA Investment ManagersFranceNot AvailableInitialPartialNoneNonePartialFullFullPlannedFullPartialPartialNonePartial000Not assessedNot assessedNot assessed


As an aggregator, this work would have not been possible without the support of our funder, the Hewlett Foundation, and the data initiatives from which the NZFT collects and standardizes data. Below are reported key providers. We invite you to explore their websites for more granular information regarding actions tracked in this dashboard.